Backing up Data

Backing up Data

All on-premise versions of ProWrite should be backed up regularly. ProWrite OL (OffLine) single file, zero maintenance databases are intended for use as a supplement to a ProWrite Cloud and/or ProWrite Enterprise product and should be backed up regularly as well via a full file copy methodology.

ProWrite S9 or ProWrite D1 single user local versions, version 2018.0 or newer, makes use of MS SQL Local DB. To make a backup of the database, you will need to browse to "C:\Users\*Your Specific Windows User Name*" on the machine where ProWrite is installed and used. Once at this location, you will see two files called "ProWrite Offline.mdf" and "ProWrite Offline_log.ldf". Make a copy of these two files and save them to a secure file storage location or device. 

The backup of the Cloud version of ProWrite is handled by CEI.  

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