Program Settings - Options

Program Settings - Options

Legacy Report & Document Options

Font Sizes: Select the font size for the company name, address, and report title.

Margins: The distances from the top and left sides of the page.


Sec. IX PQR/WPS document format to use: To select a default format, clear the "Ask for format before printing" box and choose the desired format from the drop-down. To always be prompted to select a format when printing, leave the box checked.

Embed True Type Fonts: Select if fonts are to be embedded in PDFs created by ProWrite. Embedding will impact PDF size. "Subset" is an intermediary option that will only place the glyphs used within the PDF.

Database PDF Documents

Allow External Application Access to Documents:  Allows integration from external sources for WPSs, PQRs, and WPQs.

Regenerate All Doc Links:  Resets all external linkages to WPSs, PQRs, and WPQs. This procedure can take some time depending on data set size.

Delete All Doc Links:  Deletes all current WPS, PQR, and WPQ links.

Copy Attachments With Documents: Copies attached PDFs when a WPS, PQR or WPQ is copied if checked.

Show hints: Clear this box to no longer display hints. CEI recommends that new users leave this box selected.

Hints Delay: Enter the number of seconds the software should delay before showing hints. This option is only available when the Show hints box is checked.

Hint Color: Select the desired color for hints.

Use color coded variable indication: Select this box and the desired colors to display color-coded essential and nonessential variables. Required fields will be highlighted in the chosen colors.

Do not show Editing PQR Warning dialog when opening a PQR: Existing PQRs should only be altered as necessary for corrections and Code revisions. Select this box to disable the warning.

Do not show Supporting PQR Warning dialog when opening a WPS: Supporting PQRs should exist for all Qualified WPSs. Users are notified when opening a WPS that does not have a supporting PQR. Select this box to disable the warning.

Do not show Signature Status dialog when opening signed documents: Documents that have been signed cannot be altered until all signatures are removed. Select this box to disable the warning.

Use Entity Locking: On slow or intermittent program to database connections this option may allow better performance.