General Behavior

General Behavior

First Release: 2021.6

Accessing the Supplemental Forms and Calculations

The Supplemental Calculations and Forms are accessed under the Supplemental menu. These include those CEI has released to all customers and those created specifically for your company:

A vessel file has to be open in order to access these different options. If one of the options under the Supplemental menu, like Half Pipe Jacket, is selected when a vessel file is not open, then the warning below will appear.


The Browser for the Supplemental Calculations and Forms

A browser, like the one below, will appear once the type of Supplemental Calculation or Form is picked. The browser is specific to the selection made under the Supplemental menu.


The example below is in a vessel that does not yet have any Half Pipe Jacket Supplemental Calculations created.


The example below is in a vessel that had four Half Pipe Jacket Supplemental Calculations created.


Showing the Supplemental Calculations and Forms in your Vessel Report

These calculations and forms show up at the bottom of the list of reports for the vessel.