Welders - Personal Information

Welders - Personal Information


Name: Enter the welder's first name, middle initial, and last name into their respective fields. Include any applicable suffix (e.g, Jr., Sr., III) in the "Last Name" field if desired.

Stamp Number: Enter the welder’s Stamp number.

Welder ID: This is a required field. Each welder record must be unique so that the proper record is used throughout the program, therefore each record must have a unique Welder ID. By default Stamp # and Welder ID are synced but this can be adjusted in Settings.

Hourly Rate: An optional field to store welder's pay rate for cost estimation.

Current Status: If a welder temporarily stops working you can change their status to Inactive or Unavailable. Inactive or Unavailable welders can then be filtered out of reports.

Personal Information

Contact Info

Enter the Welder's address, home and mobile phone # and email in this section.

Current Status

Active Date: Enter the active date of the welder.

Inactive Date: Enter the inactive date of the welder. This field will only appear for welders marked Inactive or Unavailable.

Location: Enter the welder's location (e.g., the site name, the city name, plant, floor, etc.). This field can be used to filter and sort the welder data. The label for this field can be changed in Tools → Settings → Welder.

Foreman: Enter the welder's foreman. This field can be used to filter and sort the welder data. The label for this field can be changed in Tools → Settings → Welder.

Union Local: Enter the local union number. This field is not required and will not be applicable for all welders.

Common Weld: Select this box to list the welder as a common weld welder. This will allow the welder to be viewed when running the Common Weld Continuity Report if they have applicable qualifications.

Welder Notes: Enter additional notes about this welder.

Welder Image: A welder photo may be added to the welder record. Take care in the size of the image as this can bloat databases. We suggest small images (perhaps 80 by 200 pixels) as these images are mainly used to basic identification and on WPQ output.

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