Is My Software License Key Active?

Is My Software License Key Active?

The driver for your Software License key (SL key) can be damaged uninstalled or blocked by security software. To see if your SL key is functional and accessible in a basic sense see the below steps.

Look to the bottom right of your main Windows UI

Right click on the CEI Portal glyph (white circle with orange letters "CEI")

Select "License Management" and on the screen that appears you should see your license key here-

If the key does not appear try changing ports or moving it to this local system. If that also does not work select the "License Control Center" button-

If a page such as the below does not appear then the driver that allows communication with the key may be damaged, not installed, or blocked.

To install the latest driver select this link-


and the appropriate driver, likely "Sentinel HASP/LDK - Windows GUI Run-time Installer".

You will need Admin rights to install this driver.