Welding and Brazing Processes
ProWrite supported Processes
ASME Section 9 (S9) & AWS D1.1 Standard Welding Processes
GTAW: Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (AKA Tig , Tungsten Inert Gas )
SMAW: Shielded Metal Arc Welding (AKA Stick , MMA , MMAW , Manual Metal Arc , FSAW , Flux Shielded Arc Welding )
GMAW: Gas Metal Arc Welding (AKA Mig , Metal Inert Gas , MAG , Metal Active Gas )
FCAW: Flux-Cored Arc Welding (AKA FCA , Flux Cored Arc )
SAW: Submerged Arc Welding
ASME Section 9 (S9) Extended Welding Processes
PAW: Plasma Arc Welding
OFW: Oxy-Fuel Welding (AKA OAW , OxyAcetylene Welding , Oxy Welding , Gas Welding )
EGW: Electro-Gas Welding
ESW: Electro-Slag Welding
ASME Section 9 (S9) Brazing
TB: Torch Brazing
FB: Furnace Brazing
IB: Induction Brazing
RB: Resistance Brazing
DB: Dip Brazing
Argon Welding is sometimes used as a term for GTAW, GMAW, FCAW or PAW or any Arc Welding process as it is a common inert shielding gas.
GMAW-S is GMAW with the Short-Circuiting Arc Transfer Mode and is supported in both ASME Section 9 and AWS D1.1.
GMAW-P is GMAW with the Pulsed Arc Transfer Mode and is supported in ASME Section 9 only.
ProWrite presently supports a maximum of 3 welding configurations/processes on a given ASME Section 9 PQR, WPS, & WPQ or AWS D1.1 PQR or WPS. Brazing documents and AWS D1.1 WPQs are limited to a single process given code specifications.