Task Management - Task Fields
Task ID: The unique ID generated by FabricationManager
Task Description: The User defined description of the task
Source: The source of the task
Process Type: The process used for the task
Progression Type: For vertical welds, the selected direction the welding was performed
FM F Number: The filler metal f number
Worker ID: The User specified ID of the working performing the task
Parent Task: The parent task to the created task eg a Sub Assembly is a child task to the Project task
Task Type: The type of the task eg Project, Sub Assembly, Task
Estimated Start Date/Time: The estimated start date and time for the task
Production User: The User who created the task
Method Type: The method used for the task
Polarity Type: The polarity type used for the task
FM Diameter: The filler metal diameter
Production Date/Time: The date and time the task was added to FabricationManager
Status: The specified status of the task - Complete, In Progress, On Hold, or To Do
Task Sub Type: A specific sub type to the task to give more explanation and categorization of the tasks
Estimated Completed Date/Time: The estimated completed date and time of the task
Task Number: User specified number associated to the task
Position Type: The relationship between the weld pool, joint, joint members, and weld heat source during welding
Transfer Mode Type: The transfer mode selected for the task
Gas Type: The shielding gas, backing gas, or trailing gas type
Notes: Any notes that the User wants to add to the task