Build 2021.6.0.5204
Release status was June 23, 2021
If an issue occurs during the install, when trying to lay down the Sentinel Run-Time Environment Installer, please cancel the install and follow the Sentinel Hasp Installation steps in the article below. Once this has completed, run the ProWrite install again:
Installing or Updating the Windows Driver for the Hasp License Key.
New Features
The head and reducer reports now use different terms for the thickness of the head, such as design thickness, or smallest acceptable. This change is based on the multiple conversations with various customers, inspectors, and other third party reviewers, to try to find consensus on the terminology to be used. DC-4591
The nozzle UI now allows users to select the minimum thickness per service type for each nozzle. This selection will be accounted for each nozzle component in calculations and reports. DC-4130
ASME rated flanges now have the ability to calculate the MDMT and to have exemptions applied to them like other DesignCalcs components. This has a new tab in the rated flange UI and have new field of tg that is determined and allows users to change the value. DC-6588
A supplemental calculation has been added. The calculation is for half pipe jackets per Non-mandatory Appendix EE. DC-5965
The nozzle report now shows more explicit calculations for the determination of trn for the external pressure case. DC-2969
2021 code changes will start to be rolled out over the next several releases. The option to select 2021 now exists and can be selected in the vessel screen. An informative note to the the user will appear, when 2021 is selected, letting them know that it is in active development. The default code year will remain 2019 until code changes are complete. DC-7037
At this point, until ASME 2021 material changes are published, the 2021 code year, will use the materials from 2019 as though they are all valid for 2021. DC-7021
ASME F&D, Torispherical, and Ellipsoidal heads saw the removal of the 1.67 * design pressure check per UG-33(a)(1)(a) in the 2021 code changes and we have changed those head reports to reflect that. DC-7132
Issues Resolved
An issue was resolved where the creation of a Customer in the vessel screen, that was then added to the Customer entries, could not be added to subsequent vessels. The missing data from these entries is also fixed in a patch to the DcSupport.adb file with this release. DC-6298
An issue was resolved with WRC-107 so that it would update the math at report time in addition to opening of the WRC-107 form. This was done so that designs that were affected by DC-4227 (2020.3 release) would update with the corrected values even if the user did not reopen the form. DC-6624
Patching of the DcSupport.adb file now includes logging of the data schema version the file is patched from and patched to. DC-6066
The DesignCalcs.log file is now written to the root file that the DcSupport.adb file is in. This allows logging of errors and patching messages for cases where a DesignCalcs file is not open. DC-6669