Component ID: System generated GUID for the component
Component Sub Type: The specified sub type of component eg. hemi, tori, ellipsoidal sub type of head
Component Mark: A shorthand reference for the component
Thickness: The nominal thickness in the new condition of the component
Material Number: The specification number for the material
Source: The source location of component
External Diameter: The component external diameter in the new condition
Small Internal Diameter: The internal diameter of the small end diameter of the cone
P Number: The p number for the selected material
Component Description: The label given for the component
Component Drawing Number: The drawing number associated with the component. This does not refer to any drawings that are generated in the software and it is listed here for the user's reference. It will default to the drawing number input on the vessel screen
Location Within Assembly: The location of the component in the vessel assembly
Internal Projection: The distance that the nozzle axis projects past the inside surface of the vessel wall
Material Condition Type: A brief description of the component material
Production Date/Time: The date and time of production of the component
Internal Diameter: The component inside diameter in the new condition
External Projection: The distance that the nozzle axis projects past the outside surface of the vessel wall
Component Type: The type of vessel component - Custom Flange, Clamp, Head or Reducer, Nozzle, Rated Flange, Cylindrical Shell or Tube, Vacuum Ring, Studded Outlet or Nozzle.
Component Seam Number: The seam number associated to the component
Length: The length of the component
Material Description: A brief description of the component material
Material UNS Number: The UNS number associated to the material
Production User: The user being associated to the component
Small External Diameter: The external diameter of the small end of the cone
Product Form Type: The product form for the selected material