Forms - Creating & Opening Documents

Forms - Creating & Opening Documents

When you choose to create a new document, FormPro will display a dialog that surfaces all of your available forms. If you don't see a form you need, check the form groups and make sure you have subscribed to the forms you need. If you need more forms, visit thinkCEI.com or contact sales@thinkcei.com to complete your order.

screencap of the open grid

To open a document, you will need to select the desired document from a grid that displays your saved forms. If you have a lot of documents, you can use the tree to only show the form or form group you want to see. Then make use of the grid capabilities to group, sort, and filter the data so your list of documents is more manageable.

One part of the new and open dialogs that often gets overlooked is the set of file type toggles hiding in the upper left corner. These determine whether (D)emo, (T)emplate, old (R)evisions, or (E)xample item types are hidden or displayed. Use these carefully - they are another way to make large amounts of data more manageable, but it is very easy to switch one of these off and then wonder where all of your templates have gone when next you use the dialog.