ASME BPS - BPQR Selection

ASME BPS - BPQR Selection

BPS Configuration

Weld type: For a BPS, this field will be locked to Braze.

System of units: Select either English or metric units.

Code year: Select the Edition/Addenda of the ASME Section IX Code.

Base Metals

ASME Rated: Select this box if the material has been rated by the ASME.

P- or S- Number: Enter the appropriate designation for the base material. This field will be automatically completed if the material is selected from the Material Browser. S-Number does not exist in the Code after 2008, so if 2009 or later is selected as the "Code year," this field will only allow P-Number.

Process Selection

PQR number: Select a BPQR from the PQR Browser.

Process/Type: The data from the selected BPQR will be used to complete this field.


Minimum/Maximum base metal thickness: Enter the minimum and maximum thickness in the appropriate fields. If the PQR selected was for a groove or fillet weld and the base metals had two different P-/S-numbers or they were not the same thickness, there will be two sets of minimum/maximum thickness fields.


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