WRC-107 - General Info

Last Updated: 2019.7

Design Information

WRC 107 Description: The label given for the analysis. It will appear in the analysis pane, the report dialog, the summary pane, and at the top of the analysis report. This will default to the analysis type and analysis number. For example, the third WRC-107 for the vessel will start with a description of WRC-107 3.

Drawing No: The drawing number associated with the component. This does not refer to any drawings that are generated in the software and it is listed here for the user's reference. It will default to the drawing number input on the vessel screen.

Internal Pressure: The internal design pressure (pressure on the concave side). This value is gauge pressure.

Temperature: The maximum mean metal design temperature at the junction of the host and the attachment.

Vessel Type: Select the type of vessel (host) from the available options. The type of vessel determines the options available in the "Attachment Type" field.

Attachment Type: Select the type of attachment from the available options. When the "Vessel Type" is Cylindrical, nozzles are Cylinder attachments; for Spherical or Elliptical vessels, nozzles are Hollow Cylinders.