Default Settings - Global

Default Settings - Global

These settings affect the values for new vessels in the vessel screen. In most cases, the value can be manually changed during vessel creation.


Orientation: Select vertical, horizontal, or spherical. This selection determines the available support options.

Support: Horizontal vessels have the options of saddle and N/A. Skirt, lug, ring, unbraced leg, flat bottom and N/A are the Vertical vessel support options; spherical options are similar, with the exception of flat bottom.

System of Units: Select customary or metric to determine the default units of measurement for new vessels.

Use Diameter: This option is only available for some components. The user may choose to input dimensions as the inside dimensions or the outside dimensions where this option is available. For some components (such as shell), the use of outside dimensions for internal pressure calculations may result in a slightly higher required thickness.

Solve For: This option is only available for some components. The user may choose to solve for thickness or for pressure where this option is available. The “Solve for Thickness” option is more favorable when doing nozzle calculations for nozzles that use the current component as host.

Radiography: Requirements for radiography are specified in Section VIII, Div. I, paragraphs UW-11 and UW-51. This selection will set the efficiency factor to the most common value for type 1 butt Joints (see Table UW-12). Be sure to check UW-11 and UW-51 for exceptions.The definitions from Section VIII, Div. I, paragraph UG-116 have been paraphrased below:

  • RT1 applies when all pressure-retaining butt welds (with exceptions) have been radiographically examined for their full length according to UW-51. This will default all joints to 100% efficiency.
  • RT2 applies when the complete vessel satisfies the requirements of UW-11(a)(5) and when the spot radiography requirements of UW-11(a)(5)(b) have been applied. The program defaults to 100% on heads and shell longitudinal joints and 85% on shell circumferential (girth) joints.
  • RT3 applies when the complete vessel satisfies the spot radiography requirements of UW-11(b). The program defaults to 85% on all joints.
  • RT4 applies when only part of the complete vessel satisfies the radiography requirements of UW-11(a), or where RT1, RT2, and RT3 do not apply. The program defaults to 70% efficiency on all joints when either RT4 or None is selected.

Design Temperature: The maximum mean metal design temperature for the internal pressure case as defined in UG-20(a).

Minimum Thickness per UG-16: The service type minimum thickness per UG-16 in Section VIII, Division 1. This thickness must be met after undertolerances, forming allowances, and corrosion allowances are removed. For low pressure, low loading designs, this may govern the thickness of the design.

Corrosion Allowance: Corrosion allowance on the inside of the component (concave side).

Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT): Enter the default MDMT.

External Pressure: The external design pressure (pressure on the convex side). This value is gauge pressure. If the user wishes to consider the effect of static head for the external pressure case, this input must be altered to consider the effect.

Design External Temperature: The maximum mean metal design temperature for the external pressure case as defined in UG-20(a).

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