NozzlePRO Integration

NozzlePRO Integration

Created: 2017.2

Last Updated: 2023.5


Nozzle Limitations: Currently, implementation applies only for nozzles with parents that are cylindrical shells and are attached by full penetration welds. Loads are limited to pressure only loads.

Lifting Lug Limitations: Currently, implementation applies only for lifting lugs with parents that are cylindrical shells, hemispherical heads, ellipsoidal heads, ASME F&D and Torispherical heads.


The following details are automatically passed into NozzlePRO from DesignCalcs nozzles.

  • Radial attachment details

  • Hillside/Tangential attachment details

  • Tilted attachment details

  • With or without repads

  • Automatically brings in DesignCalcs material data, pressure information and corroded dimensions


Setting the NozzlePRO Path in DesignCalcs:

If you want to export your nozzle design to your licensed copy of NozzlePRO, you need to set the path to the Paulin executable under the tools menu:



You want to browse the to the path for the “go_win.exe” exe like the example below. Note that in the example below, you would only browse to the folder containing the exe “C:\PRG\PRG2018”:




Exporting a Nozzle:

With the path set, the NozzlePRO button will be enabled for nozzles with parents that are cylindrical shells and are attached by full penetration welds. Pushing the button will then post series of status messages and then the NozzlePRO output will appear.