Release: 2020.0.0.2763
Important: Enterprise users will need to contact support for a database upgrade script. LocalDB users may proceed to install 2020.0.0.2763. Cloud is already up-to-date.
User Interface
Removed remaining references to Gov Id. (S9, D1) (PWN-651, PWN-1077)
Performance Improvements
Added the ability to use Single Sign On (S9, D1) (PWN-932)
Added Localization to address local characters for Portuguese (S9, D1) (PWN-1119)
Added a dropdown to store approvers in Approved by field for faster data entry (S9, D1) (PWN-1178)
Added ability to sort on welder’s name when using Improved Bulk Continuity (S9, D1) (PWN-1608)
Added ability to give user responsibility for heat input on all PQRs (S9, D1) (PWN-1535)
Added first & last name columns to Improved Bulk Continuity for sorting (S9, D1) (PWN-1631)
Added ability to add User Defined Process with more than 4 characters. (S9, D1) (PWN-7058)
Relocated Bulk Continuity Report to Improved Bulk Continuity. (S9, D1) (PWN-1645) (PWN-845)
Fixed scaling/sizing issue with the main ProWrite toolbar (S9, D1) (PWN-1350)
Updated Preferred Expiration Method to Expiration Date by Process & Method (S9, D1) (PWN-1017)
Updated the ability to add a User Defined Process with no Method. (S9, D1) (PWN-693)
Updated Procedure Submittals to properly release forms. (S9, D1) (PWN-733)
Updated new welder creation to default to active when creating new welder. (S9, D1) (PWN-942)
Issues Resolved
Resolved issue of Admin not being able to changes end-user passwords. (S9, D1) (PWN-1192)
Resolved issue of Fillet Weld WPSs Showing Incorrect Thickness Range (D1) (PWN-1249)
Resolved issue of GTAW/PAW Process 2 and 3 Missing Variables (S9) (PWN-1052)
Resolved issue of New local databases not creating (S9) (PWN-1007)
Resolved issue of the Search Grids not showing data (S9, D1) (PWN-133) (PWN-134)
Resolved popup issue when creating a WPS using Section IX & Construction Code. (S9) (PWN-1287)
Removed “Link Welder Button" from WPSs (MILSPEC) (CRTN-3544)
Added Link Welder Button to procedure documents (Navsea) (CRTN-3559)
Resolved issue of Link Welder Button not adding Welder's Name (Navsea) (CRTN-3574)
Resolved issue of missing fields on PQR and WPS documents (Navsea) (CRTN-3589)
Resolved issue of being unable to create 9A and 9B WPSs (S9) (PWN-1399)
Added requirement that the "Applicable code" field be addressed before saving (S9) (PWN-1673)
Resolved Issue of Save and Close button causing Software to stop responding. (S9, D1) (PWN-723)
Resolved Program Crashing Issue when 4 or more tensile test are added to PQR. (S9, D1) (PWN-790)
Resolved Issue of PQR number not updating in WPS when changed in the PQR. (D1) (PWN-830)
Resolved ability to select No Filler Metal Used when Classified Filler metal is checked (S9) (PWN-629)
Resolved Issue of documents not printing when there was no company logo. (S9, D1) (PWN-967)
Updated Weld Sizes notes from Table 3.7 to Table 3.6 for PreQualified Fillet WPSs. (D1) (PWN-887)
Additional Codes
Added ability to define security per code or document type. (All additional Codes) (CRTN-387)
Added ability to write & track welder’s continuity. (All additional Codes) (CRTN-2532)
Added notification when Essential Variables are unaddressed. (Additional Codes) (CRTN-2532)
Added Transfer Mode, Weld Type, and Passes Per Side to the AWS D1.2 docs. (AWS D1.2) (PWN-679)
Added ability to AWS D1.2 to be notified if certain variables aren’t addressed. (AWSD1.2) (CRTN-3114)
Added ability to select codes as supplemental for specific suites of codes. (ISO) (CRTN-3527, 3542)
Added Ability to copy documents within the all Additional codes. (Additional Codes) (CRTN-395)
Added basic essential variable checking to AWS D3.6. (AWS D3.6) (CRTN-3526)
Code Additions
AWS D14.3 (Earthmoving, Construction and Agriculture Equipment). (S9, D1) (CRTN-2629)
AWS D14.5 (Specification for Welding of Presses and Press Components) (S9, D1) (CRTN-2979)
ABS American Bureau of Shipbuilding (S9, D1) (CRTN-2992)
2019 Section IX Code Changes
Added drop downs to all documents for access to the 2019 Code year (S9) (PWN-1133)
Added, revised, and updated 2019 base materials to the base metal database. (S9) (PWN-1148)
Added, revised, and updated 2019 filler materials to the filler metal database. (S9) (PWN-1335)
Removed Supplementary Progression Variable for Impact Tested procedures. (S9) (PWN-1091)
Removed Brazing Procedure Essential variable for PBHT aggregate holding time. (S9) (PWN-1105)
Added PWHT Temps for Section I and VIII WPSs when using P# 15E materials. (S9) (PWN-1273)
Added PWHT Temps for Section VIII WPSs using P# 10C materials. (S9) (PWN-1366)
Added PWHT and Preheat Temps for B31.1code updates. (S9) (PWN-1385) (PWN-1580)
Added PWHT and Preheat Temps for B31.3code updates. (S9) (PWN-1409) (PWN-1566)
Steps to update:
For Enterprise:
Notify all users, close all connections, and backup your database
Apply the database schema updates in order:
For the 101 upgrade from 100, please contact support for assistance.
Cloud Users:
No action necessary, it has been updated by CEI