Certain fields will be visible, but disabled. These fields contain data that has been transferred from the BPQR.
BPS number: Enter a unique number for this BPS. Important variables in the test may be encoded in the BPS number, depending on the classification system used.
BPS date: The date the original BPS was created.
Revision number: QB-2001(c) allows a BPS to be changed provided the changes are documented by revision. Each revision to a BPS should be documented with a revision number.
Revision date: The date of the latest revision.
System of units: Select either English or metric units.
Code year: Select the Edition/Addenda of the ASME Section IX Code.
Construction code: Select the Code that will be used for the Weld Procedure Specification. Section IX is a reference code and should be used in conjunction with another Code section.
Weld type: For a BPS, this field will be locked to Braze.
Code Assistance: Selecting any option other than Full code assistance will disable assistance for this BPS. This cannot be undone.
Include notes: One or more pages of notes can be added to allow for the inclusion of additional information. These pages will be numbered as part of the permanent document.
Supporting PQR(s): The BPQR(s) that support this BPS. If the BPS is created from an existing BPQR, the number will be automatically inserted into this field. Code assistance must be disabled to edit this field. To enter more than one BPQR or remove a BPQR select the add/remoe buttons-
Process: The process will be determined by the supporting BPQR. Unlike on the BPQR, more than one method (Manual, Semiautomatic, Machine, Automatic) can be selected.
Joint type: The joint type will be determined by the supporting BPQR.
Product form: Select the material form that will be used for the PQR test. Selecting Pipe will allow the opportunity to select the size and schedule from the Pipe/Tube Browser on the Base Metals tab.
Joint clearance: Enter the distance between the uniting surfaces of the joint as illustrated in QB-461.2.
Overlap length minimum/maximum: When applicable, the minimum overlap length will be the overlap length of the PQR. The maximum can be no more than 25% of the BPQR's overlap length.
Notes: Enter any additional notes about the joint.
Joint Detail Image: Select a joint detail image. ProWrite provides a variety of joint detail images, but locally created images may also be used. Joint Detail Image files must be in bitmap (.bmp) format.
Click this button to launch the CAD program. This allows the user to create custom joint images and import them into ProWrite. If the CAD program is not installed, this will load the Utilities page of the CEI website in your browser. | |
Insert an image into the BPS. | |
Remove the image from the BPS. |