Bulk Continuity allows the input of continuity entries for multiple welders at once. It can also store multiple pending continuity entries in a non-committed state that will not count in calculating a welder's expiration.
To create a new Bulk Continuity entry, select Welders → New Bulk Continuity.
To access an existing Bulk Continuity entry, select Welders → Edit Bulk Continuity.
To start a new continuity entry from the Bulk Continuity tool you can select 1-n rows of welders/expirations
and then at the bottom of the screen enter Weld Date, Job, etc. and select Set Rows.
Once you've done this those welders/expiraitons will change from Green Circles to Yellow Checks.
Once you are ready to commit these changes to the welder(s) continuity history select Update*
And the Yellow Checks will change to Green Checks.
Notes that the expiration Date will not change for these records as this reflects the expiration prior to the new continuity entry being created.
Any new Bulk Continuity Entrys or expiration reports will calculate the expiration given the present continuity context.
When a Bulk Continuity screen is closed only those records with a weld entry or with "Save this Row on Exit" will be retained as part of the bulk record.
*Note: once committed any changes are manual and each continuity entry that needs adjustment must be interacted with separately.