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Verification Tests and Published Works

We PRG conducted a series of validation tests regarding FEPipe for ASME Flat heads. The experiments were used to validate the new methods in the 2007 ASME Section VIII Division 2 code. You can view the full published report at Additionally, we

View file
nameASME Flat Heads - FEPipe Experimental Validations (1).pdf

Additionally, PRG also tested fatigue testing of welded flat head pressure vessel joints and can be viewed at

View file
nameFatigue Testing of Welded Flat Head Pressure Vessel Joints (1).pdf

PRG and ASME Section VIII Div 1 Projects


ASME Section VIII Division 1 does not provide rules to evaluate thermal stresses, stresses at attachments and supports, stresses in nozzles due to force and moment loading, fatigue (even just fluctuating pressure), and so on. In part, the reason is that the generalized treatment of these items cannot be easily reduced to a rule-based procedure. That is the purpose of the cited code paragraph below (paragraph U-2(g)): to instruct and enable the designer to seek design methodologies that can address these types of issues but that also provide design margins consistent with ASME Section VIII Division 1:

“You can use the design by analysis methods of ASME Section VIII Division 2 ("VIII-2") part 5 for an ASME Section VIII Division 1 ("VIII-1") vessel pursuant to paragraph U-2(g) of VIII-1... so long as we use the same design margins as VIII-1. This "as safe as" clause of paragraph U-2(g) means we cannot use design by analysis to justify a minimum thickness less than the value arrived at by a paragraph in VIII-1. So the "in lieu of" phrase of VIII-2 has no effect.”

This is straightforward so long as elastic analysis techniques (VIII-2, para 5.2.2) are used, where the elastic stress classifications for primary stresses must use the allowable stresses from ASME Section II Part D Table 1A or Table 1B (secondary stresses have identical limits in VIII-1 and VIII-2).


The full research can be accessed from ASME’s digital collection site.

Quality Assurance Certificates for NozzlePRO and FEPipe

Quality assurance certificates for PRG’s standalone FEA and DBA solutions are as follows:


View file
nameQA PVPT NozzlePRO 2024.12.0.2520 Certificate.pdf

View file
nameQA PVPT NozzlePRO 24.5 Certificate.pdf

View file
nameQA PVPT NozzlePRO 24 Certificate.pdf

View file
nameQA PVPT NozzlePRO 23 Certificate.pdf


View file
nameQA PVPT FEPipe 2024.12.0.2520 Certificate.pdf

View file
nameQA PVPT FEPipe 24.5 Certificate.pdf

View file
nameQA PVPT FEPipe 24 Certificate.pdf

View file
nameQA PVPT FEPipe 23 Certificate.pdf


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