The default Hydrotest selection for support calculations is now Max(Ptcalc, Pd) for all new vessel files. DC-10359
The default B16.5 and B16.47 selection is 2020 for 2023 code vessels by reference via Table U-3/Table 1.1. DC-10337
The about screen now shows support for the 2023 Edition of the code. DC-10932
The default code year is now 2023 for new vessels. DC-10932
DesignCalcs has changed the material launch behavior in order to improve the speed of the program launch. You may see a message at material selection that the material is loading. DC-10805
The message in the Lug form, suggesting the user check the repad for stresses per WRC-107 now suggest the user check the repad stresses with NozzlePRO. DC-10406
DesignCalcs now has some business logic coming from the CEI Interop DLL, shared by multiple programs. This requires a new license. DC-10550, CRTN-4584