Heavy barrel and pad-reinforced nozzle geometries have now been added to PVPTPro, and which enables you can to model heavy barrel barrels (self-reinforced) together with pad-reinforced (shell reinforced) nozzles in the software. [PRG-1467]
Vessel Link and CEI's JSON vessel files are now integrated so that users of Finglow and other CEI products can now perform FEA on nozzles in PRG. [PRG-605]
Regarding the Vessel Link and CEI JSON integration, titled nozzle geometries can now be modeled between the PRG suite of products and CEI’s suite of products. [PRG-1833]
Each template within FEPipe now requires its includes their own feature flagflags.
NozzlePRO’s fitness-for-service capabilities now includes a feature flag.
Nonlinear capabilities for any product within the PRG suite now includes a feature flag. [PRG-1721]