Building Damping Coefficient: This is a field for skirt supports only.
Wind Pressure: This input is only an option for User Defined Wind. It allows the user to directly input the wind pressure. Be mindful of the units.
Allow Wind Pressure to vary at different elevations: This checkbox is only an option for User Defined Wind for skirt supported vessels. If the checkbox is checked, the user may input multiple wind pressures at different elevations in the Attachments/Loadings screen under the Wind tab.
0.2 S Spectral Response Acceleration (Ss): mapped MCER , 5 percent damped, spectral response acceleration parameter at short periods.
Tv: This is a user input for the ASCE 7-16 code year. The default is set to 0.1 to give conservative estimations within the software. The user can input values but only the range from 0 to 2 is usable within the equations. Values outside of this range will be taken equal to the upper or lower bound.
Top Force Multiplier: This input is only an option for User Defined Seismic for skirt supported vessels . This should be entered as a decimal (e.g. 10% would be entered as 0.1). This value will be used to set a portion of the vessel horizontal seismic load at the top of the vessel, the remaining horizontal seismic load will then be vertically distributed over the vessel based on the weight distribution and the k factor.
Force Distribution Factor: This input is only an option for User Defined Seismic for skirt supported vessels. It ranges from 1 to 2. The building codes determine this value based on the period of vibration of the vessel. This affects the vertical distribution of the horizontal seismic load. Higher k values push more of the load to the top of the vessel using the formula (W*H^k)/Sum(W*H^k) where W represents the weight of a segment of the vessel and H represents the elevation to the c.g. of that vessel segment.