The heat input responsibility setting now matches when you create a new document. (PWN-1781)
The P-No. is now set to the correct value when creating a non-code assisted WPS. (PWN-2158)
The P-No. is now no longer set to S-No. when creating a non-code assisted WPS. (PWN-2420)
The D1.1 Generic WPS with the weld details has been corrected and you can now select the second process. (PWN-5869)
You can now scroll within the WPQ window when you enter data. The WPQ window now displays and formats the data correctly. (PWN-7275)
The formatting within the Procedure Submittal view has been corrected so that WPSs and company data are displayed correctly. (PWN-7011)
The Product Form field is now displayed in the PAW PQRs when you perform corrosion resistant overlay or hardface overlay (PWN-6181)
The first process or method combination on a custom continuity report has been removed to display and filter results correctly. (PWN-75187528)
The Preliminary WPS view now accounts for different system resolutions and correctly displays all field values in the Process tab. (PWN-7601)